Project for Work Crds is Not Transparent and Non Standard


The results of the analysis related to the matter of training standards provided by various partner institutions in the Work Card are allegedly not in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP).

“There are no clear standards regarding training institutions and who are judged appropriate to be able to partner in the Employment Card program,” said Adeni Andriadi, Head of the News Agency in South Sumatra, today.

In 2020 the government will provide Rp 20 trillion for 5.6 million participants of the Pre-Employment Card. People who get this Pre-employment Card will receive a total incentive of Rp 3.55 million.

In total, Rp. 1 million can be used to purchase one or more training courses on digital platform partners. That means the total budget for all digital platforms is Rp. 5.6 trillion.

According to the number one person in the South Sumatra Case Investigation News Agency, of the 850 training provided by training institutions through digital platforms, prices range from Rp. 0 (free) to Rp. 1 million.

There are several trainings among them which have similar types of training but the price varies.

For example, for training related to writing CV. “CV training is offered at the cheapest price of Rp 135 thousand to the most expensive is Rp 300 thousand.

Among the 9 training related to CV, there are types of training that are really the same type of training, namely CV Surgery for Overseas Schools, Scholarships, and Job Applications offered by Skill Academy and Imam Usman as Ruangguru co-founders with different prices namely “Rp. 135 thousand and Rp. 168 thousand,” he said.

If you pay attention, this type of training can be said to be held by the same agency, because Imam Usman and Skill Academy are both related to Ruangguru.

Other training, How to Write a CV which HRD ogled was offered by Pintaria and HarukaEDU at the same price of Rp 150 thousand.

Pintaria and HarukaEDU are the same agency because Pintaria is part of HarukaEDU.

Another example is the type of English language training for online motorbike taxi offered by two training institutions namely Cakap at a price of Rp 250 thousand while English Today at a price of Rp 500 thousand for one training.

In addition, Cakap also has a three-month program of proficient English for ojek at a cost of Rp. 600 thousand, the amount of which is not much different from English Today for one-time training.

Considerable price differences are also seen in graphic design training. The price offered varies from IDR 227 thousand to IDR 1 million.

“The absence of a standard price can also be seen from the discounts provided by the digital platform in a training.

This discount can change in a matter of days so that some training that was originally pegged at a price of more than Rp 1 million to be below that or the same.

This also seems to be due to the Pre-Employment Card program, whose training allocation is Rp1 million, “said the young journalist.

According to him, the lack of transparency and standards in setting training prices by the implementing management in managing the pre-employment card program makes the prices set for similar training differ and only based on training institute standards, even though the funds used to fund online training are sourced from STATE BUDGET.

In addition to the issue of no standard training prices, the amount of the digital platform commission is also unclear.

In a number of regulations issued by the government regarding the Pre-Employment Program, there are no definite provisions regarding the amount of commission entitled to receive a digital platform.

Article 52 paragraph (1) of the Coordinating Ministerial Regulation No. 3 of 2020 concerning Regulations for the Implementation of Work Competence Development through the Employment Card Program, it is stated that the digital platform is allowed to take a reasonable service commission from the Training Institution conducting cooperation.

While Article 52 Paragraph (2) of Permenko No. 3 of 2020 states that the amount of the service commission as referred to in paragraph (1) is regulated in the Cooperation Agreement and has the approval of the Implementing Management.

“The absence of reasonable limits regarding service commissions received by digital platforms results in each platform having its own standards.

“In addition, the lack of transparency in determining the size of the commission also has the potential for digital platforms to get unreasonable commissions,” Tibiko added.

This condition has a great potential to disadvantage participants in the pre-employment card program. For example what happened to the platform.

The site explains that there is an administrative and marketing fee of 20 percent of class tickets sold through the site.

Unfortunately, the delivery of information about costs on seven other digital platforms is not available.

Investigation Team of the South Sumatra Case Investigation News Office.
