LEADER Central Indonesian Mosque Council
re-issued a circular for the third time.
The letter dated May 30, 2020 contains guidelines for all mosques and worshipers in carrying out worship in the mosque during the new normal order.
The letter signed by General Chairman Jusuf Kalla contained nine points.
First, DMI called for the mosque to be reopened for worshipers, both five times of obligatory prayers and Friday prayers.
“By keeping abreast of information on co-19 transmission in the local area,” the letter said.
In this new normal situation, the mosque must enforce the protocol to prevent covid-19 to prevent the safety of pilgrims. Among other things by maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter between pilgrims.
Congregations are also required to wear masks from home, bring their own prayer rugs or handkerchiefs, or other necessary equipment.
Furthermore, all mosques are encouraged to roll up the carpet.
The mosque management must be disciplined in cleaning the floor of the mosque or mushola with carbolic acid and disinfectant and preparing handsanitizers or soap.
The mosque can also use the mosque’s loudspeakers as an effective broadcast media for important and emergency information related to co-19 deterrence.
In addition, it is recommended to collect zakat, infaq, sadaqah, both lump sum money and groceries.
It can be utilized as much as possible to increase the health immunity of pilgrims, both vitamin C and E and other nutritious food / foodstuffs.
“Alert the mosque as a Rapid Reaction Post (PRC) if there are pilgrims infected with co-19,” the letter said.
DMI also encourages Cipta Conditions of the Mosque as a sterile safe place from covid-19 by strengthening the DMI motto “Prospering and Prospering Mosques’.
Another thing, the provision of a minimum distance of 1 meter requires that the capacity of the mosque is only about 40% of the previous normal capacity.
“Therefore, to meet the needs of pilgrims and by following the objectives of the shari’ah, Friday prayers can be arranged in addition to mosques, prayer rooms and public places,” he explained.
“For areas that are densely populated, prayers are held on Friday 2 (two) waves,” he added.
Finally, congregants who are sick with cough, fever, shortness of breath and experiencing flu symptoms are encouraged to offer prayers at home until they are cured.
This letter is called for the entire range of Regional, Regional, Branch, Branch, and DKM / Takmir Leaders of mosques throughout Indonesia.
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